The purpose of the retrospective is to inspect the process and agree on changes.
We felt all the stages of Bruce Tuchman, and the retro sprint showed it very clearly.
1. Forming. At first we were stupidly silent. It was not clear why they had gathered. It is not clear how (or scary) to give feedback. Pobukhteli, like all the norms, dispersed. No decisions were made.
2. Storming. This is the time of throwing shits. A difficult time, but unavoidable. A mature and self-sufficient character makes good use of this time. At this stage, in retrospect, we made emotional "agreements"that we did not follow later. And that was another reason for throwing shit.
3. Norming. We learned to give nonviolent feedback. The first working solutions went to retro. There are still a few of them, but the team's productivity has already reached the level of almost forming.
4. Performing. Despite the end of the sprint, you can feel the drive. There is something to discuss. The retrospectives are dynamic, concrete,and clear-cut. The feedback is constructive.